How the Right Jujitsu Accessories Can Take You to the Next Level

If you're a jujitsu enthusiast, you know that mastering this martial art takes dedication, hard work, and a willingness to push yourself to the next level. But did you know that the right accessories can also make a big difference in your performance? Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, choosing the right gear can help you maximize your potential and take your jujitsu skills to the next level. From the right gi to the right training equipment, the right accessories can help you improve your technique, increase your stamina, and reduce your risk of injury. So if you're serious about taking your jujitsu performance to the next level, investing in the right accessories is a must. In this article, we'll explore some of the top accessories to help you get the most out of your jujitsu training and take your skills to new heights.

The Role of Accessories in Jujitsu

When it comes to jujitsu, accessories are an essential part of your training. They can help you to perform better, reduce your risk of injury, and make your training sessions more comfortable. The right accessories can also help you to improve your technique and speed up your progress. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, the right accessories can take your performance to the next level.

Benefits of Using the Right Accessories in Jujitsu Training

Using the right accessories in your jujitsu training can provide numerous benefits. Firstly, they can help to improve your technique. For example, wearing the right gi can help you to move more freely and perform techniques more smoothly. Secondly, the right accessories can help to increase your stamina. For instance, using a training mat can help to reduce the impact of falls and make it easier to train for longer periods. Finally, the right accessories can help to reduce your risk of injury. For example, wearing the right gloves can protect your hands from impact injuries.

Types of Accessories for Jujitsu

There are many types of accessories that can be used in jujitsu training. Some of the most common include mats, gi, gloves, footwear, and more. Let's take a closer look at each of these accessories and how they can help to improve your performance.


Mats are an essential accessory for any jujitsu practitioner. They provide a safe and comfortable surface for training and can help to reduce the risk of injury. There are many different types of mats available, including puzzle mats, roll-out mats, and tatami mats. The type of mat you choose will depend on your specific needs, but all mats should be made from high-quality materials and provide adequate cushioning.


The gi is the uniform worn during jujitsu training and competition. It consists of a jacket, pants, and belt, and is typically made from cotton or a cotton blend. The right gi can help you to move more freely and perform techniques more smoothly. It can also make your training sessions more comfortable and reduce your risk of injury.


Gloves are an essential accessory for any jujitsu practitioner. They protect your hands from impact injuries and can help to improve your grip. There are many different types of gloves available, including grappling gloves and MMA gloves. The type of glove you choose will depend on your specific needs, but all gloves should be made from high-quality materials and provide adequate protection.


Footwear is an important accessory for jujitsu training. It can help to improve your grip and provide added support for your feet and ankles. There are many different types of footwear available, including wrestling shoes and martial arts shoes. The type of footwear you choose will depend on your specific needs, but all footwear should be made from high-quality materials and provide adequate support.

How to Choose the Right Accessories for Your Jujitsu Training

Choosing the right accessories for your jujitsu training can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to know where to start. Here are some tips to help you choose the right accessories for your jujitsu training:

1. Consider your specific needs: Think about the type of training you'll be doing and the specific areas you need to improve.

2. Research brands: Look for reputable brands that are known for producing high-quality jujitsu accessories.

3. Read reviews: Check out online reviews to see what other jujitsu practitioners are saying about different accessories.

4. Try before you buy: If possible, try out different accessories before you make a purchase to ensure they're the right fit for you.

When it comes to jujitsu accessories, there are many different brands to choose from. Here are some of the top brands for jujitsu accessories:

1. Tatami Fightwear: This brand is known for producing high-quality gis and training gear.

2. Venum: Venum produces a wide range of jujitsu accessories, including gis, gloves, and training equipment.

3. Hayabusa: Hayabusa produces high-quality gloves and training gear for jujitsu practitioners.

How to Take Care of Your Jujitsu Accessories

Taking care of your jujitsu accessories is important to ensure they last for as long as possible. Here are some tips for taking care of your jujitsu accessories:

1. Wash your gi regularly: It's important to wash your gi after each training session to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odor.

2. Store your accessories properly: Make sure to store your accessories in a cool, dry place to prevent damage.

3. Clean your mats regularly: Mats should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and odor.

Jujitsu Accessories for Competition

If you're planning to compete in jujitsu, there are some additional accessories you may need. These can include a mouthguard, headgear, and knee pads. These accessories can help to protect you from impact injuries and make your competition experience more comfortable.

Jujitsu Accessories for Self-Defense

Jujitsu can also be used for self-defense, and there are some accessories that can be particularly useful in this context. These can include pepper spray, a personal alarm, and a self-defense keychain. These accessories can help to keep you safe in potentially dangerous situations.